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Elton Church of England Primary School

To enable all our children to thrive in the loving, caring, Christian environment of a small, friendly village school. 'Be happy, be resilient and be curious'

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium was introduced in 2010 and is a grant given by the government to schools to decrease the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged children, whether by income or by family upheaval.

 Schools receive pupil premium funding for pupils:

  • who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in primary school
  • who are in local authority care or were in care in the last year
  • who have been adopted from care 
  • who have a parent serving in the armed forces or who is in receipt of a service pension.

Schools in receipt of the pupil premium grant are required to account for its use and report this on their website.

Please follow the links below for reports showing how funds have been allocated. From December 2021, school has reported on the use of Pupil Premium, Catch -Up Funding and Recovery Premium as a combined budget.




Elton Church of England Primary School is a very small school in the heart of Derbyshire. If you would like to visit, please ring the school office or email us. You are always welcome. Follow us on twitter: @elton_school
