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Elton Church of England Primary School

To enable all our children to thrive in the loving, caring, Christian environment of a small, friendly village school. 'Be happy, be resilient and be curious'

Vision and Values

Our Vision

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future’. Jeremiah 29 vs 11


Our Values

As a distinctively Christian school, our values are based on those seen in the Bible. They also reflect the values of many other faiths and can be held by those of no faith:


Kindness, Determination, Respect.


Our Aims

At Elton Church of England Primary School we have four core aims. We:

• Are happy and resilient

• Are ambitious for the future

• Are curious and inspired to learn more

• Celebrate our community, our Church of England Foundations and our inclusive and caring family ethos


Our Strap Line

‘Be happy, be resilient and be curious.’


Our Mission Statement

At Elton Church of England Primary School we regard each child as unique, with individual needs. We celebrate and respect diversity. We are committed to providing each child with the highest standard of care, guidance and support through our Christian values. We aim to help children develop a sense of self-worth and confidence and to become life-long learners.





Elton Church of England Primary School is a very small school in the heart of Derbyshire. If you would like to visit, please ring the school office or email us. You are always welcome. Follow us on twitter: @elton_school
