Get in touch


Elton Church of England Primary School

To enable all our children to thrive in the loving, caring, Christian environment of a small, friendly village school. 'Be happy, be resilient and be curious'

The School Day

School is open from 7.45am to 4.30pm daily, apart from Fridays when school will close at 3.50pm.  This is a total of 43 hours and 5 minutes.


The official school day starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.30pm (from Easter this will change to 3.15pm). Please ensure your children are in school by 8.50am at the latest.



Elton Church of England Primary School is a very small school in the heart of Derbyshire. If you would like to visit, please ring the school office or email us. You are always welcome. Follow us on twitter: @elton_school
